MATLAB: How to extract the first three elements present in each row of a matrix


A=[0.7849 0.7472 0.6991 0.6754 0.5707 0.4462 0.3210 0.2955 0.1318;
0.9037 0.8296 0.7963 0.5718 0.4657 0.2708 0.2605 0.1518 0.1235;
0.9085 0.8479 0.8222 0.6896 0.4416 0.2860 0.2790 0.2278 0.1909]
Could anyone help me to extract the first three elements present in each row such that the result should be
B=[0.7849 0.7472 0.6991
0.9037 0.8296 0.7963
0.9085 0.8479 0.8222]

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