MATLAB: How to extract the contents of a numbered list within an array

importing data

How can I extract the contents of a numbered list within an array? The list contents are of differing lengths. For example, I would like to extract the following 1×5 array
{h4 e5, c3 g5, b3 Nh6, g4 d5, Ba3 Qd6}
from the following 1×1 array
{1. h4 e5 2. c3 g5 3. b3 Nh6 4. g4 d5 5. Ba3 Qd6}
? I have tried with delimiters in import data, but there doesn't seem to be a delimiter that can handle this array.

Best Answer

>> c={'1. h4 e5 2. c3 g5 3. b3 Nh6 4. g4 d5 5. Ba3 Qd6'};
>> textscan(char(c),'%*s%s%s','collectoutput',1)
ans =
{5x2 cell}
>> ans{:}
ans =
'h4' 'e5'
'c3' 'g5'
'b3' 'Nh6'
'g4' 'd5'
'Ba3' 'Qd6'