MATLAB: How to extract text and value from a .txt file

data import txt excel array

i have to import an array from a .txt file into Matlab. The problem is I have 2 arrays of similar shape that contain text and numbers (I would like both).
I tried using "uiimport" (which is convenient since I'm making a GUI): It works well with the file1 : I get a "data" matrix (I don't know what it is) and a "textdata" cell array which I can work with.
However here is the problem, with the file2, the "textdata" cell array only contains the first line.
Could you please help me find a solution ?
(I suggest the problem may be related to the last column being empty)

Best Answer

You can use the readtable command.
filedata = readtable('file2.txt','delimiter','\t','readvariablenames',true);