MATLAB: How to extract rows has a same value in column 1 and plot until those rows of column 2 and 3

Extended Symbolic Math ToolboxMATLABMATLAB C/C++ Math Libraryplotplottingsubplot

Hi everyone, I have a matrix with repeated values in the 1st column, for example:
A = [
1 15 43;
2 05 64;
2 13 32;
3 11 35;
3 01 20;
3 -15 08;
4 46 742;
4 25 234;
..........;]--- let say, there are 2500 rows and repetition values are 2000.
Using A, I am looking to extract data from the 2nd and 3rd column for each value in the 1st column to output B and plot it. Where repetition occurs for a value in the 1st column, the corresponding values in the 2nd and 3rd column are to be plotted (that means 2000 graphs). until end of rows.
I have attempted to use a combination of find functions, if statements and loops, but without success. Ideally, a successful approach would also be efficient, as the actual dataset is large.

Best Answer

You can create a cell array of the separated element as
unique_element = unique(A(:,1));
seperate = cell(numel(unique_element), 1);
for i=1:numel(unique_element)
index = A(:,1)==unique_element(i);
seperate{i} = A(index, 2:3);
The separated values are stored in variable seperate which is a cell array. You can access its values as seperate{1}, seperate{2}, ... or loop through the entire array using for loop and do whatever manipulation or visualization you want on them.