MATLAB: How to extract points from a curve

curve fittingMATLAB

I need help about a problem.
I have a curve (random curve) and I don't have the equation to define the curve.
I need to extract N points from this curve.
How to do it?

Best Answer

Matlab Code
npts = 3;
xy = [randn(1,npts); randn(1,npts)];
%text(xy(1,:), xy(2,:),[repmat(' ',npts,1), num2str((1:npts)')])
ax = gca;
ax.XTick = [];
ax.YTick = [];
hold on
hold off
This is the matlab code and the idea that I need to extract n points from cscvn(xy)
When I see cscvn(xy) . This curve is a structure not a set of points.
What I need is to extract data points from this curve
Thank you