MATLAB: How to extract part of the information

This is what i have. (note: originally i have 7 columns but i have only shown just 2 columns for convenience)
'No.' 'Time'
'1' '0.000000000'
'2' '0.100209000'
'3' '0.199458000'
'4' '0.299589000'
'5' '0.399856000'
'6' '0.499050000'
'7' '0.599287000'
'8' '0.698449000'
'9' '0.798677000'
'10' '0.898885000'
'1000' '99.00000000'
Here is the code i use to extract
fid = fopen('eT1.txt', 'r');
data = textscan(fid, '%d%f%s%s%s%d%s', 'MultipleDelimsAsOne',true, 'HeaderLines',1);
But what i want only 1000 values extracted. In that case i need all the 7 columns but till No==1000. how to do that?

Best Answer

Assuming you only want 1000 rows and not just 1000 values (which is not a multiple of 7):
data = textscan(fid, '%d%f%s%s%s%d%s', 1000, 'MultipleDelimsAsOne',true, 'HeaderLines',1);
It's all there in the documentation of textscan (parameter N)