MATLAB: How to extract only numerical values from cell into new column array

breakcell arrays

For this data:
"1665 seconds"
"1726 seconds"
"3415 seconds"
"3447 seconds"
"1426 seconds"
"1439 seconds"
"1591 seconds"
"1614 seconds"
"1957 seconds"
"1977 seconds"
"2798 seconds"
"2824 seconds"
"3082 seconds"
"3114 seconds"
"3503 seconds"
"3535 seconds"
"593 seconds"
"625 seconds"
"811 seconds"
"856 seconds"
Whis is a column in a larger cell array. I want to extract just the seconds value after each edf file, and possibly put them in a new array or matrix, eg:
{"chb12_06.edf" "1665 seconds" "1726 seconds" "3415 seconds" "3447 seconds" ; "chb12_08.edf" "1426 seconds" "1439 seconds" "1591 seconds" "1614 seconds" "1957 seconds" "1977 seconds" "2798 seconds" "2824 seconds"...}
I hope this makes sense what I'm trying to achieve, if not please feel free to clarify, thanks!

Best Answer

s={"chb12_06.edf" "1665 seconds" "1726 seconds" "3415 seconds" "3447 seconds" "chb12_08.edf" "1426 seconds" "1439 seconds" "1591 seconds" "1614 seconds" "1957 seconds" "1977 seconds" "2798 seconds" "2824 seconds"};
sc = cellfun(@char,s,'Unif',0); %cast for regexp, which does not work on string input
sm = regexp(sc,'^\d* seconds','match');