MATLAB: How to extract only cells with a value in specific column from excel

importing excel dataspecific range

Is there a way to specify the starting row and continue to the bottom of that column of numbers without specifying the exact row it ends at? I have excel files where the values start in A5, and then there is a variable number of values in that column (100-200) in each file. I know how to specify the range if I know the end value (eg 'A5:A142') and I know I can specify the whole column ('A:A') but I don't know how many rows will be in any given file so I can't specify the endpoint, and when I do the whole column it takes a very long time and I end up with a 1048576×1 cell filled mostly with NaN.

Best Answer

Never mind, I think I got it. If use [~,~,data] = xlsread('myfile.csv','A:A') then it returns the 1048576x1 cell. But, if I just do data = xlsread('myfile.csv','A:A') then it automatically starts where the data begins and stops where it ends. I'm not sure if this will work for .xlsx files, but it works for my .csv files