MATLAB: How to extract features from segmented skin cancer images

abcd rulecancerImage Processing Toolboxmelanomaskin cancer

Hi all,
I have a data of melanoma images, I segmented them now I need to extract the following features from them :
1-Asymmetry feature 2-Color variation feature 3-Border feature 4-Diameter feature To use them in the ABCD rule for melanoma detection
Could anyone help me to do this job please? Or have a MATLAB code to calculate these features? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

chulls = bwconvhull(seg_image_bw);
measurements = regionprops(chulls, 'Area', 'BoundingBox');
% Compute the areas of each convex hull:
allAreas = [measurements.Area];
% Compute the area of each bounding box.
boundingBoxes = [measurements .BoundingBox];
allBBAreas = boundingBoxes(3:4:end) .* boundingBoxes(4:4:end);