MATLAB: How to extract date and time that not in datetime format

time series

File name example
20160914 date 161451 time
The position of the date and time in the file name will be the same for all files. The file name data is a string stored in a cell
I need to create a time series (e.g. ts = timeseries(data,time) creates the time-series object using the specified data and time.) using the date and time from the file name as the ts.TimeInfo.StartDate
How do I extract the date and time from the file name to appear in the format of the the StartDate property.
ts.TimeInfo.StartDate = '10/27/2005 07:05:36';

Best Answer

dates = cellfun( @(S) datetime(S([1:8, 44:49]), 'InputFormat', 'yyyyMMddHHmmss', 'Format', 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss'), FileNamesCell );