MATLAB: How to extract data from on a timetable dependent on a date range


I have an 81033×4 table in which the first column holds the timestamp for each date and time (format mm/dd/yy HH:mm), the second column is the datenum for each timestamp, and the other 2 columns are the recordings for each stamp
  1. How do I extract sets of data from my table depending on the timestamp? I'd like to extract the rows for each year of data (2010:2020)
  2. How do I plot timestamp vs data (Acc_Ext, Acc_Int) for each year?
The data looks like this:
(disregard the x34, I can create one that with only the first 4 columns)
An initial idea I had is:
[num,text] = xlsread('NODE2.WDH.csv', 'A1:D81034');
datenumColumn = num(:,1);
rowtotal = length(datenumColumn);
% Find datenum value for start of each year
for n = 2010:2021
Y(n) = datenum(n,1,1);
ind = find(Y > 0);
A = [ind',Y(ind)'];
B = A(:,2); % B is the array containing all the date strings for the start of each year
data_2010 = num((B(1)<=datenumColumn)&(datenumColumn<=B(2)), :);
data_2011 = num((B(2)<=datenumColumn)&(datenumColumn<=B(3)), :);
data_2012 = num((B(3)<=datenumColumn)&(datenumColumn<=B(4)), :);
data_2013 = num((B(4)<=datenumColumn)&(datenumColumn<=B(5)), :);
data_2014 = num((B(5)<=datenumColumn)&(datenumColumn<=B(6)), :);
data_2015 = num((B(6)<=datenumColumn)&(datenumColumn<=B(7)), :);
data_2016 = num((B(7)<=datenumColumn)&(datenumColumn<=B(8)), :);
data_2017 = num((B(8)<=datenumColumn)&(datenumColumn<=B(9)), :);
data_2018 = num((B(9)<=datenumColumn)&(datenumColumn<=B(10)), :);
data_2019 = num((B(10)<=datenumColumn)&(datenumColumn<=B(11)), :);
data_2020 = num((B(11)<=datenumColumn)&(datenumColumn<=B(12)), :);
% Create Figure for all data from Node
t = tiledlayout(3,4,'TileSpacing','Compact','Padding','Compact');
% Tiles
for i = 0:12
x = data_201i(:,1);
y1 = data_201i(:,2);
y2 = data_201i(:,3);
hold on;
datetick('x','mmm','keepticks') % This function read the time intervals and displays them in the x-axis
tstart = data_201i(1,1);
tend = data_201i(size(data_201i,1),1);
xlim([tstart tend])
However, I can't get the data to be plotted for each iteration.

Best Answer

However, I would suggest that you might not be asking the best question. I would suggest that you instead consider
G = findgroups(year(YourTable.Timestamp));
hold on
workfun = @(ts, Ext, Int) plot(ts, Ext, ts, Int, 'DisplayName', string(year(ts(1))));
plot_handles = splitapply( workfun, YourTable.Timestamp, YourTable.Acc_NBSP2Ext, YourTable.Acc_NBSP2Int, G);
You might want to do the work function slightly differently to be able to distinguish the line for internal and external.
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