MATLAB: How to extract an object entry from an index of cell array

cell arrayclassMATLABoop

I want to extract an object which is saved in specific index of cell array.
I need to extract it because I cannot access object properties via 'dot' and cell array index.
I have a object which has an property named "dist"
I saved the object into an cell array and I later on I need to change the object proeprty and i cannot access the property via cell array indexing.
is there any way to extract the object from cell array to change the property?
function calculateDistance(obj)
tempCell = cell(1,100);
counter = 1;
tempCell{1,counter} = MyObject
tempCell(1,1).dist = 100;

Best Answer

Use the curly brackets to access the content inside the cell arrays
tempCell{1,1}.dist = 100;