MATLAB: How to export variales from double and structure with different rows into excel

export data

Hello everyone,
I have variables in 8×1 double, in 40×1 double under 1×1 struct, and 1×1 double. Since I have the same varibles for different trials saved in different MATLAB files, I was trying to save all the variables from each trial in a table first and export to a excel for all trials. Then, copy and paste variables from each excel for each trial, and put them all together in a new excel. But when I run the code for making a table (as shown below), it gets into an error:
Error using table (line 233)
All table variables must have the same number of rows.
EMGvariable.Properties.VariableNames{1} = 'AbdAngleMax';
EMGvariable.Properties.VariableNames{2} = 'AbdAngleMin';
EMGvariable.Properties.VariableNames{3} = 'AbdAngleChange';
EMGvariable.Properties.VariableNames{4} = 'speed';
EMGvariable.Properties.VariableNames{5} = 'FinSwingDist.dist';
EMGvariable.Properties.VariableNames{5} = 'TailSwingDist.dist';
Is there anything I could do to fix the issue? Or should I not use the table function?
Thank you very much for your help!

Best Answer

These have to have same number of rows, which they don't, according to your first sentence.
Fill up your variables with NaN's to match the maximum number of rows that a variable has.