MATLAB: How to export the whole figure plotted in matlab using export_fig


I have several graphs that I need for a thesis, which means that figures need a high resolution. But when trying to use export_fig the resulting image is zoomed in, leaving out important part of the graphs. I tried using one of matlabs own examples that look like this: plot(cos(linspace(0, 7, 1000))); set(gcf, 'Position', [200 200 150 150]); saveas(gcf, 'test.png'); export_fig test2.png The resulting images are attached where test2 is the exported image. The first example on this page is showing how the exported picture should look like. Since the code is running it is hard to know why the exported picture excludes important parts. So, how do I expand the area of the original plot that is exported in high resolution? I want to be able to export the image as I see it when it is plotted in matlab with as high resolution as possible. I already tried matlabs original save as, export, and copy, but since none of these gave good enough images I tried with export_fig. Any help is much appreciated!

Best Answer

Try this:
>> set(gcf,'PaperOrientation','landscape');
>> print -dpdf myFig -fillpage
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