MATLAB: How to export the overview table from the Experiment Manager App

Deep Learning Toolboxexperiment manager appexportMATLAB

I started using the Experiment Manager App to explore a Neural Network performance on a calssification task and how it depends on the hyperparameters of the model.
The overall design of the App is quite appealing for a first look but the options for exporting the results for further analysis are too limited.
After a hyperparameter sweep the app displays a table of results that displays the accuracy and loss for each trial together with the choosen hyperparameters.
It would be extreemly useful to export this table e.g. to plot validation and test accuracy as function of the hyperparameters to gain more insights. However I could not find such an export option. It is only possible to export the parameters of individual trained Networks. Please let me know if this option exists?
If not, It would be great if such an export option could be added to the app. Or if a function could be provided to extract the results parameters from the results subfolders.
Thanks and Kind Regards
Sebastian Landwehr

Best Answer

Hi Sebastian,
You can try the following script which will give a table containing validation and training loss/accuracy for all trials:
% sweep intialLearnRate hyperparameter
myInitialLearnRate = [0.0025 0.0050 0.0075];
trialdetail = cell(numel(myInitialLearnRate),1);
for i = 1:3
% params struct containing value of hyperparameter
params = struct('myInitialLearnRate',myInitialLearnRate(i));
% passing hyperparameter value to experiment setup function
[imds,layers,options] = Experiment1_setup1(params);
% train the network
[net,info] = trainNetwork(imds,layers,options);
% storing the Training information such as
% Training loss, Training Accuracy, Validation Loss,
% Validation Acc for a trial
trialdetail{i,:} = info;
% storing information for table
Training_acc(i) = info.TrainingAccuracy(end);
Training_loss(i) = info.TrainingLoss(end);
Validation_acc(i) = info.FinalValidationAccuracy;
Validation_loss(i) = info.FinalValidationLoss;
Trial = 1:3;
% Table containing Training informations for all trials
Table = table(Trial(:),Training_acc(:),Training_loss(:),Validation_acc(:),Validation_loss(:),...
'VariableNames',{'Trial','Training Acc','Training Loss','Validation Acc','Validation Loss'});
function [imds,layers,options] = Experiment1_setup1(params)
% This template function constructs an image data store as a training data set,
% a layer graph, and training options. Outputs of this setup function are used
% to call the trainNetwork function.
% Modify this function as a template to set up your own experiment.
digitDatasetPath = fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','nnet', ...
imds = imageDatastore(digitDatasetPath, ...
'IncludeSubfolders',true, ...
numTrainingFiles = 750;
[imds,imdsValidation] = splitEachLabel(imds,numTrainingFiles);
inputSize = [28 28 1];
numClasses = 10;
layers = [
options = trainingOptions('sgdm', ...
'MaxEpochs',5, ...
'ValidationData',imdsValidation, ...
'ValidationFrequency',30, ...
Refer to this documentation for more information on Experiment1_setup1 function.
I have brought your idea of export option to the notice of our developers. They may investigate the matter further.