MATLAB: How to export the FFT analysis data from the Powergui FFT Analysis Tool to the base workspace


Is it possible to export the FFT analysis data from the graphical interface of the FFT analysis tool in the Powergui block to the base workspace?

Best Answer

In MATLAB R2018b there is not a way to directly export the FFT analysis from the graphical interface opened from the Powergui block.The workaround is to use command line tools to obtain the desired data in the base workspace:
1. Get initial default structure:
FFTDATA = power_fftscope(ScopeData);
2. Modify FFTDATA structure to have desired options and settings, e.g.
FFTDATA.cycles = 10;
FFTDATA.fundamental = 50;
FFTDATA.maxFrequency = 500;
3. Update the data structure: FFTDATA = power_fftscope(FFTDATA)
For an example using a signal with a known spectrum, see the attached files: