MATLAB: How to export spectral data generated in Time Series Tools to the MATLAB workspace or to a file


I am using Time Series Tools (>>tstool ) in MATLAB. I would like to export the spectral data generated from a time series data set when creating a spectral plot. My target is the workspace or a file.
I can do this with the time series data itself, but cannot seem to do it with spectral data.

Best Answer

The ability to export spectral data to the MATLAB workspace or a file is unavailable in MATLAB 7.1 (R14SP3).
A workaround is to access the API of the Time Series Tools GUI, as follows.
Once the spectral plot is generated, click on Spectral View in the session tree and then call the following function from the MATLAB command line.
>> s = exportSpecData
This function EXPORTSPECDATA can be created as follows:
s = function exportSpecData
h = tstool;
n = h.TreeManager.getselectednode;
for k=1:length(n.Plot.Waves)
s(k).Name = n.Plot.Waves(1).Name;
s(k).Frequency = n.Plot.Waves(1).Data.Frequency;
s(k).Spectrum = n.Plot.Waves(1).Data.Response;
1. This function accesses the API of the Time Series Tools, and this API is subject to change in future releases of MATLAB. Consequently, this method is not supported.
2. The Spectral View item must be selected in Time Series Tools before the exportSpecData function is called. Otherwise, an error will be produced. Select Time Series Session Tree --> Views --> Spectral Plots --> View1, and then call the function.
The code above is available in the attached file, 'exportSpecData.m'.