MATLAB: How to export data from matlab to csv file from loop

exportfor loopimporting excel data

I have a bunch of data from a for loop that I need to export from matlab to csv file. I tried csvwrite('test.xlsx',data). When I open up the csv file, the data for a single iteration comes up. How can I get the data from every iteration to export to the csv file?
if true
% code
fileFolder = fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'images', 'imdata');
dirOutput = dir('/Users/JessFlores/Documents/MATLAB/XrayEye_*.tiff');
fileNames = {}'
numFrames = numel(fileNames)
figure(); hold on
for p = 0001:numFrames
sequence(:,:,p) = imread(fileNames{p});
%intensity plot info
[x,y] = size(sequence(:,:,p));
X = 1:x;
Y = 1:y;
[xx,yy] = meshgrid(Y,X);
i = im2double(sequence(:,:,p));
%maz and FWHM x and y from plot
[mz,k] = max(i(:));
[ix,jy] = ind2sub(size(i),k);
%max intensity coordinates in microns
%pixel size is 6.45x6.45 microns
ix = 6.45*ix;
jy = 6.45*jy;
mhz = 0.5*mz;
FWHMx = abs(ix-ihx)*2;
FWHMy = abs(jy-jhy)*2;
%table of data from plot
f = figure;
data = [ix,jy,mz,FWHMx,FWHMy];
colnames = {'X(Zmax) [um]', 'Y(Zmax) [um]', ...
'Zmax/Max Intensity', 'FWHMx [um]', 'FWHMy [um]'};
t = uitable(f, 'Data', data, 'ColumnName', colnames, 'ColumnWidth', {120});
t.Position(3) = t.Extent(3);
t.Position(4) = t.Extent(4);
%make subplot of table and intensity plot
subplot(2,1,1) = mesh(xx,yy,i); colorbar;
title('Intensity of Beam Image as a Function of Pixel Position');
ylabel('Y (pixels)');
zlabel('Intensity (double precision corrected) [a.u.]');
csvwrite('test.csv', data);
hold off

Best Answer

Use dlmwrite() with the -append flag.