MATLAB: How to execute an M-file from Windows’ command line without opening MATLAB’s Command Window


I want to run a MATLAB script, but I do not want any GUI to be opened.
Currently, if I do the following:
> matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r "x = 5; save('test.mat');"
it will still open MATLAB's Command Window.

Best Answer

You can either:
1. Include the "exit" command:
> matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r "x = 5; save('test.mat'); exit"
This will however still leave the Command Window open until your script finishes.
2. Using MATLAB COM Automation Server (in VBScript)
You can refer to the first answer of the following thread for more information about this workaround:
3. Using MATLAB Compiler
Compiling your code into an executable, which can then be executed would be the closest solution to the workflow you are trying to achieve.