MATLAB: How to Exclude Some Fields While Using the Function structfun

for loopstructstructfun

A.B.C = [1 2 3];
A.B.D = [3 4 5];
A.B.E = [6 7 8];
How to exclude A.B.E from the calculation and just get the sums of A.B.C and A.B.D (i.e., g = [4 6 8])?
for i = 1 : 3
z = structfun(@(x) x(i), A.B);
g(1, i) = sum(z);

Best Answer

I assume this is related to your previous question. First, I'd like to point out that it doesn't look like a structure is the right container for your data. Since you want to do the same operations on all or most the fields, a cell array (or a matrix if the content of the fields is the same size) would be a lot better.
That's also the way to solve this particular problem. You can't do it with structfun.
A.B.C = [1 2 3];
A.B.D = [3 4 5];
A.B.E = [6 7 8];
c = struct2cell(A.B); %convert to cell array. In this particular case, a matrix would work even better
%you can then filter rows (fields) of the cell array any way you want,e .g.
fn = fieldnames(A.B);
filteredc = c(~ismember(fn, {'E', 'G'})); %remove fields 'E' and 'G'
s = sum(cell2mat(filteredc))