MATLAB: How to evaluate function handles in mex c++ api

function handlesMATLABmatlab::engine::matlabengine::fevalmex c++ api

There is a bit of documentation how to call matlab function from your mex and it works just fine until you try to call something that you didn't know at compile time. Traditionally I would pass a function handle and evalute it from within my mex file, e.g. a solver interface or something like that. The only way I can do this in the c++ api seems to be passing the name of the function instead and calling it via its name. That can't be right? What am I missing here?

Best Answer

It would appear that this is a limitation of the C++ API for "feval". Although feval in base MATLAB would be able to evaluate a function handle, it does not appear to be possible using the C++ Mex API.
As a workaround, please consider using "eval" instead of feval and then using the "getVariable" method in order to retrieve the results of the evalutated function handle. "eval" should be able to call a function handle in the selected workspace by its name.