MATLAB: How to evaluate calback function in edit text uicontrol

uicontrol edit text

I have just started to learn about low-level GUI programing.
Is this the right way to write code. I need my variable b to change every time i hit new entry into edit text but I'm not geting that.
Am I missing evaluate function somewhere?
This is a simple example
a=uicontrol(fig_h,'Position',[ .5 .5 .08 .06],'Style','edit','CallBack','callb','String','0','Units','normalized');

Best Answer

Please do not program callback using strings. Use function handles instead. Save this in an M-file then run the file to see how it works.
function [] = my_gui()
a = uicontrol(fig_h, 'Style','edit',...
'Position',[.5 .5 .08 .06],...
function [] = callb(H,E)
a = get(H,'string');
disp(['The string in the editbox is: ',a])
Here is a tutorial that starts basic and builds up to more advanced GUIS. I encourage you to work through it.