MATLAB: How to evaluate a double integral using the trapezoidal rule equation

double integration trapezoidal rule

Here's what I have so far
function [ I ] = myTrapz2D( f, x0, xn, y0, yn, nx, ny )
dx = (xn - x0)/nx;
dy = (yn - y0)/ny;
i = 1;
sumx = zeros(nx,1);
sumy =zeros(ny,1);
while i < nx
xi = x0 + i*dx;
sumx(i) = f(xi);
i = i+1;
sumx = sum(sumx);
Ix = ((dx)/2)*(f(x0)+f(xn)+(2*sumx));
fd = Ix(y);
while i < ny
yi = y0 + i*dy;
sumy(i) = fd(yi);
i = i+1;
sumy = sum(sumy);
I =((dy)/2)*(fd(y0)+fd(yn)+(2*sumy));
not sure if it's correct at all but it has to be solved using some variation of the equation for I that I used. I keep getting an error that there aren't enough input arguments. There are my input arguments: f = @(x,y) x.^2 – (2*y.^2) + (x.*y.^3); x0 = 0; xn = 2; y0 = -1; yn = 1; nx = 8; ny = 8;

Best Answer

You don't need to program the trapezoidal rule in two dimensions.
Just call the trapezoidal rule in one dimension twice. In the section "Multiple Numeical Integrations" under
is an example with the MATALB implementation of the trapezoidal rule "trapz".
Best wishes