MATLAB: How to enter variable names into plot title (R2019a)

plot titlevariable

I am trying to enter a variable name into my plot title and it keeps failing. I have been looking up examples that have worked previously but I think that it is different in this version.
clc; clear all; close all;
x = -10:0.001:10;
% 2D Gaussian
m = [0 1 2 3 4 5]; s = [1 2 3];
for i = 1:5 %When the standard Deviation stays the same
p = (1/(s(1)*sqrt(2*pi))).*exp(-(x-m(i)).^2/(2*(s(1))^2));
figure (i);
title('2D Gaussian when mean is' m(i) ' and standard deviation is's(i));
This is the code that I have used right now. But Even when its not working. I even tried using [] to encapsulate the title and I tried using %f for the variables, but none of that seems to work. Does anyone have any advise for me?
Thank you

Best Answer

title(sprintf('2D Gaussian when mean is %.2f and standard deviation is %.2f', m(ii), s(ii)))