MATLAB: How to enter extensive data to cell array


I am trying to store some extensive data to a cell array with specification:
  • {1×1}, {1}[… x 5]
  • Take the first five columns
  • Ignore the first two lines and take all the rows following
  • Ignore the white spaces character ('') between columns
  • Store the data on the variable "Time"
The data should appear on the Workspace like this,
Time =
2013 2 23 21 30
%This is just one row of the data
The data is in this link,
So far I have proceed the following way,
function Data = SJ
fid = fopen( 'SJ.txt' );
Data = textscan( fid, '%d%d%d%d%d' ...
, 'Delimiter' , ' ' ...
, 'HeaderLines' , 2 ...
fclose( fid );
Could you please help?

Best Answer

fid = fopen( 'SJ.txt', 'rt' );
DataCell = textscan(fid, '%d%d%d%d%d%*[^\n]', 'HeaderLines', 2, 'Collect', 1) ;
Time = cell2mat(DataCell);