MATLAB: How to enhance the gradient of the contour of the object in the image

contour detectionImage Processing Toolboximage segmentation

My problem is to detect the contour of the cell and its nucleus. to detect the contour of the cell I did my job perfectly.but i can't proceed in detecting the nucleus of the cell.
my code is.
A=imread('D:\sou project\original\2.bmp');
s=strel('disk',1,0);%Structuring element
I3 = imadjust(A);
figure, imshow(I3);
D=im2bw(I3);%binary Image F=imerode(D,s);%Erode the image by structuring element figure,imshow(A);title('Original Image'); figure,imshow(D);title('Binary Image'); figure,imshow(D-F);title('Boundary extracted Image');
i have attached the cell image below…kindly help me

Best Answer

Most likely, you don't need to do that. You're basically saying "I need algorithm A to detect and measure B" but you didn't tell us what B is . You just said you need algorithm A and I don't think that is likely to be the algorithm you need.