MATLAB: How to enable uipushtool ‘ON’ through guide for R2013a

handlesMATLABmatlab guipushbutton callbackuipushtool

I have a push button and uipushtool. I have set the uipushtool enable to 'off' by default. I wish to enable 'on' the uipushtool upon clicking of the pushbutton. But I am unable to find a way to access the uipushtool handles. Hence I'm unable to turn on the uipushtool. I use MATLAB R2013a.
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Ideally, you would have saved the handle when you created the tool.
Otherwise, use findobj() with 'type' 'uipushtool' to get the handles of the tool. If you had given the uipushtool a unique tag you could findobj() on that tag.