MATLAB: How to enable Simscape Multibody Link Creo-Pro/E Plug-In when the Creo installation is on a server

creo-pro/elinkmultibodyplug inSimscape

How do I enable Simscape Multibody Link Creo-Pro/E Plug-In when my Creo installation is on a server? I cannot modify the protk.dat file.

Best Answer

Major concepts are described in the following link, but some more information is included here.
Specific steps are given below:
1. Create a separate '.dat' registry file if one cannot modify the protk.dat file. One can save this separate registry file in a folder that does not get rewritten. Let's say this file is myprotk.dat and is saved at C:/Users/yourusername/Documents/myprotk.dat. This file should contain the following lines:
name Simscape Multibody Link
startup dll
exec_file _matlabroot_/bin/_os_/cl_proe2sm.dll
text_dir _matlabroot_/toolbox/physmod/smlink/cad_systems/proe/text
unicode_encoding false
(Replace matlabroot with the absolute path to your MATLAB root folder and os with your operating system architecture.)
2. Since we are using a second '.dat' registry file in addition to the default protk.dat, an additional step is to let Creo know that there is a second '.dat' file to use. In order to do so, one needs to add a line in the file for Creo. A file might be under the root or startup directory of the Creo application, which in the case of network server, could be rewritten as with the protk.dat file. However, according to the following article, Creo may look for the file in multiple directories, and if one exists in each of those directories, Creo has a preference to use the one in the user's Creo Working Directory.
Therefore, one can copy/paste the default file from the network installation folder to the user's Creo working directory, which typically resides in the "My Document" folder. In this copy, add the following line and save.
toolkit_registry_file C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\myprotk.dat
3. Once the above configuration is completed, start Creo Parametric or Pro/ENGINEER application. In Creo Parametric, search for a Tools menu with a Simscape Multibody Link option. In Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, search for a Simscape Multibody Link menu. If the option or menu is present, the plug-in is enabled, it is ready to start exporting CAD assemblies.
Note, when editing the .dat and .poj files, make sure that Unicode formatting is disabled. Using the Unicode formatting has been noticed to cause issues.