MATLAB: How to enable MultiSubnetFailover when using the Database Toolbox for connecting to a SQL Server with high availability

Database Toolbox

How do I enable MultiSubnetFailover when using the Database Toolbox for connecting to a SQL Server with high availability?

Best Answer

By default when you try to connect to a SQL server database using 'database' command 'multiSubnetFailover' is set to 'false'. However, you can overwrite this value by using using 5 argument style syntax for the 'database' command, where you provide 'multiSubnetFailover' as property name and set it to true.
Please refer to following link to read more about 'database' command and it's parameters:
For example you can try using following command to enable 'multiSubnetFailover':
database('data_source','username','password','','jdbc:sqlserver://server:port;database=databasename; multiSubnetFailover=true;')
Please make sure that you have completed these pre-configuration steps before you try to use Windows authentication to connect to SQL Server:
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