MATLAB: How to edit a number in a text file and save a copy of the file multiple times

automated processdata importexportMATLABprobabilistic analysistext file

Dear Members,
I need to do a probabilisitc analysis where I will be generating thousands of input text files, they all will be the same except the 2 numbers in the red circle below will change each time (the 2 numbers will be replaced by another 2 numbers from a vector). Can you please suggest a method for editing these 2 numbers in MATLAB and saving them in a new text file copy?
(You can find the text file attached)
Thank you!

Best Answer

vec = [23,5]; % new values
cnt = 0;
rgx = '^(\s*\S+\s+)(\S+)(.+gamma.+)$';
f1d = fopen( 'input_matlab.txt','rt');
f2d = fopen('output_matlab.txt','wt');
while ~feof(f1d)
str = fgetl(f1d);
tkn = regexp(str,rgx,'once','tokens');
if ~isempty(tkn)
cnt = cnt+1;
str = sprintf('%s%#.14E%s',tkn{1},vec(cnt),tkn{3});
Repeat for each file: