MATLAB: How to draw multiple surface plots on the same mesh

3d plotsMATLABmeshsurf

I use this code to draw a Gaussian normal distribution. I want to plot several distributions at equal distance from the original one (like the figure).
How can I do so?
lambda = 1; % wavelength
E0 = 1; % max value of E-field amplitude
% ==================================================================
% prepare the coordinates mesh
% ----------------------------
zLin = linspace(-201,201,400) * lambda; % z-coordinate (horizontal)
rLin = linspace(-65,65,100) * lambda; % radius-coordinate (vertical)
[z,r] = meshgrid(zLin,rLin); % create mesh
% ===================================================================
wFactor = 4;
w0 = wFactor * lambda; % minimal waist
zR = pi* w0^2 / lambda; % Rayleigh length
w = w0 * sqrt( 1 + (z / zR) .^2 ); % Beam radius at any arbitrary distance (equ. 3)
% Irradiance
eta = 377; % for free space
I0 = abs(E0)^2/eta;
I = I0 .* (w0 ./ w).^2 .* exp( -2*(r./w).^2 );
surf(z,r,I); shading interp

Best Answer

Did you try hold on?
hold on
zlin2= linspace(-101,101,300) * lambda; %whatever shifted values you want

rLin2 = linspace(-65,65,100) * lambda; %whatever shifted values you want
[z2,r2] = meshgrid(zLin2,rLin2);
% similarly define I2 and then plot