MATLAB: How to draw a disk of given center and radius

binary maskdigital image processingdisk

I have computed the center and radius and now I want to draw a white disk using these parameters on a black background. I tried something like below but its generating a flat edge in four directions. It is kind of urgent to compare the results so any help would be appreciated. I have attached two images to keep my point. Please zoom the images in order to see what am I claiming.
[imageSizeY,imageSizeX,d] = size(imgimg);
[columnsInImage, rowsInImage] = meshgrid(1:imageSizeX, 1:imageSizeY);
centerX = floor(centroid(1));
centerY = floor(centroid(2));
radius = ceil(radii);
circlePixels = (rowsInImage - centerY).^2 + (columnsInImage - centerX).^2 <= radius.^2;
circlePixels = mat2gray(circlePixels);
%figure, imshow(circlePixels);
formatSpec_org = 'Proposed%d.png';
strProposed1 = sprintf(formatSpec_org, x);
strProposed2 = 'OutputFolder\';
s_P = strcat(strProposed2,strProposed1);

Best Answer

Those are simply quantization/digitization errors. If you want a smoother circle, you need to have more pixels in your image. A finer resolution will give you smoother edges on your circle with smaller flat edges along the horizontal and vertical sides.