MATLAB: How to draw a circle with a red annulus and green center

colorconcentric circlesrgb

I'm trying to draw a circle with a red annulus and green center using RGB in MATLAB R2014b. However, since I'm currently drawing the red circle first, then layering the smaller green circle over it, the green turns to yellow. How do I either prevent the colors from adding (so the green shows as green) or draw the red annulus only (instead of the full circle)?
xpix = 1140;
ypix = 912;
rad = 150;
[x y] = find(RGB==0);
xc = ceil(xpix/2);
yc = ceil(ypix/2);
for i=1:20
radius = (rad-20*i).^2;
r = find(((x-xc).^2+(y-yc).^2) <=radius);
for j=1:size(r,1)
RGB(x(r(j)),y(r(j)),1)=255; % 1=red
elseif (mod(i,10)==1)
RGB(x(r(j)),y(r(j)),2)=255; % 2=green
This is what I currently have:

Best Answer

How about a simpler implementation without the loops:
xpix = 1140;
ypix = 912;
rad = 150;
% Use zeros to initialize RGB. No risk of modifying an existing RGB. Use
% ypix for the rows and xpix for the columns to make x the horizontal size
% and y the vertical size.
RGB = zeros(ypix,xpix,3,'uint8');
[x,y] = meshgrid(1:xpix,1:ypix);
xc = (xpix+1)/2;
yc = (ypix+1)/2;
r = sqrt((x-xc).^2+(y-yc).^2);
ii = r <= rad/2; % Inside half our radius
RGB(:,:,2)=255*ii; % Green
ii = r <= rad & ~ii; % Inside our radius but not already made green
RGB(:,:,1)=255*ii; % Red
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