MATLAB: How to download the results of a verification (unit-by-unit or integration) in the repository

metricspolyspacePolyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover Serverunit-by-unit

A verification in unit-by-unit or integration mode sent to the repository can not be downloaded from the spooler. It can be downloaded from Metrics if it's an integration verification, but a unit-by-unit verification, only one unit can be downloaded at a time.
We explain a possible workaround.

Best Answer

Results sent to Metrics can be downloaded with a batch command. The syntax is the following:
  • Under Windows:
%POLYSPACE_COMMON%\RemoteLauncher\wbin\polyspace-results-repository.exe -verif-version [version] -server [queue manager] -unit-by-unit -prog [project] -download [download results folder]
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  • Under Linux:
$POLYSPACE_COMMON/RemoteLauncher/bin/polyspace-results-repository.exe -verif-version [version] -server [queue manager] -unit-by-unit -prog [project] -download [download results folder]
%POLYSPACE_COMMON%\RemoteLauncher\wbin\polyspace-results-repository.exe -verif-version "1.0 (8)" -server myserver -unit-by-unit -prog MyProject -download C:\results
%%%END SRC%%%
If the results are for an integration project, replace -unit-by-unit by -integration