MATLAB: How to download data from website

downloadfor loop

Dear all,
I am trying to download data from the following website
my problem is I can not get the files, meaning only the html been located to my computer. (below what I used to locat the link into my machine)
what I need is getting the files separtly and read them.
Thanks for the help.

Best Answer

How about the following?
url = '';
str = webread(url);
links = regexp(str,'https://([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+(/[\w- ./?%&=]*)?(\.nc)','match')';
data = cell(size(links));
for kk = 1:numel(links)
data{kk} = webread(links{kk});
By running this, all the .nc files are downloaded and stored in the cell array data.