MATLAB: How to download Control Systems (or better) Toolbox

Control System Toolboxcontrol systemsMATLABtoolboxtransfer function

How to get the control systems toolbox? I'm a student and my university has a full license. I'm trying to do a transfer function command (tf) and downloaded the Signals and Systems toolbox, but I'm still getting errors with the tf command. However, the process to get the control systems toolbox seems different on the website. It asks me if I want the trial version, and brings me to the R2020a download page. When I got there, it appeared if it was trying to download Matlab (which I already have) and the control system toolbox. I just need the right toolbox.
The command I'm trying to execute is: H = tf([1 3], [1 -5 6])

Best Answer

Use MATLAB Online for instantaneous solution, else click Adds On in the MATLAB application and download Control Systems Toolbox. To see if you have that toolbox , go to command windows and type ver .