MATLAB: How to do the sin of a cell 181*361

cell arrays

I have 2 cell(181,361) called LATI e LONGI whith all element are a matrix 43×1 or 44×1. i whould use this cell in :
%conversione da LLA a ECEF
NN = a_matrix ./ sqrt(1 - ecc^2 .* sin(LATI).^2);
% results:
SSx = (NN+R_E) .* cos(LATI) .* cos(LONGI);
SSy = (NN+R_E) .* cos(LATI) .* sin(LONGI);
SSz = ((1-e^2) .* NN + R_E) .* sin(LATI);
How i can do ?

Best Answer

%conversione da LLA a ECEF
NN = cellfun(@lati) a_matrix ./ sqrt(1 - ecc^2 .* sin(lati).^2), LATI, 'uniform', 0);
% results:
SSx = cellfun(@nn,lati,longi) (nn+R_E) .* cos(lati) .* cos(longe), NN, LATI, LONGE, 'uniform', 0);
SSy = cellfun(@nn,lati,longi) (nn+R_E) .* cos(lati) .* sin(longe), NN, LATI, LONGE, 'uniform', 0);
SSz = cellfun(@nn, lati) ((1-e^2) .* nn + R_E) .* sin(lati), NN, LATI, 'uniform', 0);