MATLAB: How to do real-time audio processing using simulink & DSP System toolbox?

audio processingDSP System ToolboxMATLABrealtimesimulink

am currently process speech signal with recording simultaneously.
More specifically,
(1) Record every 0.1s speech repeatedly.
(2) Process each speech chunk(0.1s) as FIFO sense. (let say processing function 'test') 'test' function takes about 1s for processing each chunk of speech.
I wrote the code as follows :
r = audiorecorder(fs,16,1);
data{k} = getaudiodata(r);
The problem is that I miss sample of 1s speech during 'test' function is executed. I want recording to be executed without stop, and call the function 'test' in every 0.1s speech recording.
Some advisor said that real-time audio processing is possible by using 'DSP System Toolbox' in simulink. Is there anyone let me know how can I build such real time audio processing system using simulink? I really appreciate all of your comments.

Best Answer

Have you tried to use the System objects, dsp.AudioRecorder and dsp.AudioFileReader? They are MATLAB object implementations of the Simulink blocks.
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