MATLAB: How to do Real-time AUDIO AQUISITION from electrict microphone MAX9814 in MATLAB?

acquisitionaudiogccsound localizationtriangulation

Hi everyone! Im an undergrad student and currently working on SOUND LOCALIZATION project. For that purpose I need to obtain an audio waveform from my ADAFRUIT ELECTRICT MICROPHONES MAX9814 by using audioRec command of MATLAB. I don't know how to do this thing and stuck for a long while . Can anybody please help me out with the correct method to do it? I need the audio vectors in matlab to take their CROSS CORRELATION (xcorr) to find the angle of sound source and range as well. Kindly help! How to import audio signal from my microphone amplifiers to MATLAB in real time ? Anybody doing or have done such kind of project ? I'll be looking forward to your answers ! Thank you !

Best Answer

Yes, you should be able to connect multiple microphones to an appropriate sound card. You would need to use the Audio System Toolbox