MATLAB: How to do matrix inversion for a matrix having RCOND error


I am doing Matrix inversion (33 x 33 marix) and getting warning message like "matrix is badly scaled or singular " i need that matrix inversion what is the possible way to get the answer
Please help me to solve this

Best Answer

I'm sorry, but you can't compute an inverse of a matrix that has no inverse.
At best, you can compute a pseudo-inverse, using a tool like pinv. The pinv result will give you many of the properties that you desire for an inverse, but you need to recognize the fundamental problem.
If you decide you cannot tolerate not having a true inverse for this problem, then, well, get a better matrix. Need I repeat myself? You can't compute the inverse of a singular matrix.
Depending on how the matrix was created, very often scaling your problem may be of some help, or there may be other things you can do. But so far, all you have told us is that the matrix is singular.