MATLAB: How to do loop in the Workspace


I have four matrixes c1 c2 c3 c4 (each matrix is 45×9)in the workspace. I need to calculate the mean for each row in each matrix.
The code I tried does not work:
c = {c1, c2, c3, c4};
for j = 1:4
mean_c(j) = mean(c{j},2);

Best Answer

Method One: for loop:
c = {rand(45,9), rand(45,9), rand(45,9), rand(45,9)};
d = cell(size(c));
for k = 1:numel(c)
d{k} = mean(c{k},2);
Method Two: cellfun:
d = cellfun(@(m)mean(m,2),c,'UniformOutput',false);
Convert to numeric by simply using cell2mat:
>> cell2mat(d)
ans =
0.49524 0.40269 0.65561 0.47278
0.59244 0.52532 0.41187 0.42431
0.34457 0.58936 0.54098 0.55274
0.52958 0.62364 0.50265 0.52148
0.70699 0.65555 0.58959 0.48702
0.38250 0.34663 0.54874 0.48712
0.59373 0.44404 0.62564 0.39276
0.48016 0.59843 0.57385 0.48644
0.49235 0.52315 0.52946 0.53855
0.51168 0.69419 0.46208 0.35696
0.53927 0.46378 0.48168 0.49156