MATLAB: How to do interpolation


I have a vector which has daily measured data for some days of a year.for example I have
A=[ 1 1
4 3
7 6
75 0
245 4
300 1
350 0
365 6]
the first column is the day of year and the second column is the measured data.I want to interpolate the second column for the other days of the year.Any suggestion?Thanks

Best Answer

A=[ 1 1
4 3
7 6
75 0
245 4
300 1
350 0
365 6] ;
t = A(:,1) ; a = A(:,1) ;
ti = 1:365 ;
ai = interp1(t,a,ti) ;
plot(t,a,'.r') ;
hold on
plot(ti,ai,'b') ;
legend('Given data', 'interpolated');