MATLAB: How to do different scaling in x in maltab plot (multiple scales in X axis)


Dear friends,
I have a "simple" plot question here, but I cant figure out. In my project, I need to give different scaling in x axis. Because the information in some ranges are not improtant. I made a simple example to demonstrate my question, hope it's clear enough.
Please check the pic I attached. Lets assume my "curve" is this Y = X, X= [0:1:90]. However, the Y information for given X = [A:1:B ] is not improtant, so I just want to SHRINK or make it smaller, so that other range X=[0:A] & [B:90] information will be enlarged and easier to read.
Lets say A=30, B =60, C = 90. (Actually, any number is fine, just trying to make an simple example.) Anyone can advise me how to do it ? thanks in advance.
I tried to do [A:10:B] , but after the plot, the position of A B dont change, so not working 🙁

Best Answer

There is no built-in command to do such a thing in MATLAB. One of the workarounds is to create multiple axes objects and connect them seamlessly. Refer to my answer here: