MATLAB: How to do counter in matlab

counterdynamic variable namesevalmatrix

I want to do just like the following Matlab, it returns error, how to fix it so Matlab can take it without errors?
load M.dat
t = 600;
for i=1:t-1,
q(i+1) = q(i)*M;
I want to have qt in the end. q(1) is a matrix called q1, and I want q2 which is q(i+1) to be M*q1 , and q3 to be M*q2 and visa versa until we reach qt

Best Answer

Play around with this, let me know if you have problems.
clear all M = 1.1; t = 600; q1 = zeros(10,1); q1(1)= 1;
val = q1*M;
for i=1:t-1
eval(['q' num2str(i+1) ' = val ']);
val = val*M;