MATLAB: How to do a homogeneous transform of data to a different coordinate system

homogeneous coordinatesinterpolationtransform matrix

I have two 3D data arrays, A and B, that contain spatial measurement data of the same real world object. A and B are not the same size. There are XYZ coordinate systems attached to both arrays. In array B the object is rotated, scaled and translated relative to the data in array A. I do have the transformation matrix for the affine transformation between the two coordinate systems, thanks to fiduciary points in the object which show up in the data.
I would like to interpolate the data in the B array into the coordinate system for the A array, but I am unsure how to do this?
The end result would be a new array, C, that contains the interpolated data from the B array, but with the same size as the A array.
Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

To answer my own question: I ended up using imwarp when i realized it can handle 3D arrays.
I defined spatial references for the A and B coordinate systems with
RA = imref3d(size(A),[min(xA), max(xA)],[min(yA), max(yA)],[min(zA), max(zA)]);
RB = imref3d(size(B),[min(xB), max(xB)],[min(yB), max(yB)],[min(zB), max(zB)]);
Then i defined an affine transformation AT with my transformation matrix TM
Now i could transform B into the coordinate system of A with
On a sidenote, i acquired the transformation matrix with absor
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