MATLAB: How to divide the existing tick values on the x-axis

graphMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitematrix arrayplotting

I'm trying to create a graph where the x-axis is made up of a 1×144 list of 10 minute intervals
ex: [10,20,30,40,50,…,1440]
The y-axis is made up of temperatures found at each 10 minute interval
x = time_10(1:144);
y = temp_out(1:144);
plot(x,y, '-', 'linewidth', 2)
However on the graph it breaks the x-axis up by intervals of 500 and displays: 0,500,1000,1500.
When I changed the ticks to display the x-axis in 60 min intervals from 0:1440. It looked too cluttered.
Is there someway I can divide each tick by 60 so the x-axis would appear clearer and be in terms of 1 hour intervals over 24 hours?
I tried changing the range of the x-axis, but that gave me a "vectors must be same length" error:
x = (1:24);
I've also tried:
But quickly found it just ticked every minute or only the first 24 minutes.

Best Answer

Adding all the hours on the y-axis will look cluttered. I suggest that you use minor ticks to indicate hours and only display label values after interval of 3 hours. For example
x = time_10(1:144);
y = temp_out(1:144);
ax = axes();
plot(x,y, '-', 'linewidth', 2)
ax.XAxis.MinorTick = 'on';
ax.XAxis.MinorTickValues = 0:60:1440;