MATLAB: How to divide height and width of 4 separate bounding boxes and compare it so that I can extract the object based on certain critera

binaryimageboundingboxImage Processing ToolboxMATLABvision

So, I have created bounding box for each object in binary image using the for loops. Now I want to extract height and the width and divide height and width of all the object bounding boxes and only keep those bounding boxes with objects in it that meets the certain value. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Since you created the bounding boxes of the objects in the binary image, presumably with regionprops(), you already know their height and width of all the bounding boxes. You can keep certain ones by making a logical vector saying whether or not to keep it, then use that to extract only the ones you want to keep. For example if you only want widths > 30, you can do
props = regionprops(binaryImage, 'BoundingBox');
allBB = [props.BoundingBox];
allWidths = allBB(3:4:end);
keeperIndexes = allWidths > 30;
keeperProps = props(keeperIndexes);