MATLAB: How to divide each column in array 1 by corresponding column in array 2 and put answers in new array, array 3

array mathcodingMATLAB

I have two arrays ('SPFPMTSignal' and 'SkinPMTSignal') that are 111 x 9. I want to create a new 111 x 9 matrix ('Transmittance') where each column in 'SPFPMTSignal' is divided by the corresponding column in 'SkinPMTSignal' to produce the new column in 'Transmittance'.
I've tried
Transmittance = SPFPMTSignal/SkinPMTSignal
but I believe it performed matrix division because it produced a matrix that is 111 x 111. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm still trying to navigate the nuance of the coding in MatLAB. I'm brand new to it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also, if you could direct me where to look for straight forward issues like this would also appreciate it. Thank you!

Best Answer

Perform the elementwise division:
Transmittance = SPFPMTSignal./SkinPMTSignal;
This solves your exercise.
Good luck