MATLAB: How to divide different graphs


Is there anyway to divide this function up, and have the first 4 equations (dSdt(1) to dSdt(4)) computed into one graph and the remaining last 3 equations computed on a separate graph? This is a mathematical modelling question, with dSdt(1) to dSdt(4) representing the one population and dSdt(5) to dSdt(7) representing another population. to = 0; tf = 100; tspan = [to tf]; y0 = [5535002 50 50 0 0 0 0 ]; [t,S] = ode45(@denguefeverODE, tspan, y0); plot(t,S) title('Human Population Without Control') xlabel('Time') ylabel('Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, Recovered') legend('Susceptible', 'Exposed', 'Infected', 'Recovered') function dSdt = denguefeverODE(t,S) Nh = 5535002; Nm = 33210012; uh = 0.0045; um = 0.02941; Pmh = 0.375; Phm = 0.750; beta = 1; nu_h = 0.1666; epsilon_m = 0.1; tau_h = 0.1176; f = 6; dSdt = zeros(7,1); dSdt(1) = uh*Nh – (beta*Pmh*(S(7)/Nh)+uh)*S(1); dSdt(2) = beta*Pmh*(S(7)/Nh)*S(1) – (tau_h+uh)*S(2); dSdt(3) = tau_h*S(2)-(nu_h+uh)*S(3); dSdt(4) = nu_h*S(3)-uh*S(4); dSdt(5) = um*Nm – (beta*Phm*(S(3)/Nh)+um)*S(5); dSdt(6) = beta*Phm*(S(3)/Nh)*S(5); dSdt(7) = epsilon_m*S(6) – um*S(7);
Thank you!

Best Answer

I ran your code and tested this (it works). Your figure becomes two figures, each plotting the columns of ‘S’ you want:
title('Human Population Without Control')
ylabel('Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, Recovered')
legend('Susceptible', 'Exposed', 'Infected', 'Recovered')
title('Human Population Without Control')
ylabel('Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, Recovered')
legend('Susceptible', 'Exposed', 'Infected', 'Recovered')