MATLAB: How to divide an image into 16×16 non overlapping blocks

image processingImage Processing Toolboxlocal binary patternpbp

how to divide an image into 16×16 non overlapping blocks for finding the local binary pattern in the further steps

Best Answer

Assuming your image has size m x n where m and n are multiples of 16:
YourImage = im2double(YourImage);
[m,n] = size(YourImage);
Blocks = cell(m/16,n/16);
counti = 0;
for i = 1:16:m-15
counti = counti + 1;
countj = 0;
for j = 1:16:n-15
countj = countj + 1;
Blocks{counti,countj} = YourImage(i:i+15,j:j+15);
You can access the blocks by calling Blocks{i,j}.
Hope this helps!